Other Resources

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Below are resource directories and organizations that are trusted and vetted by our dedicated team of volunteers. If you are looking for information on finding an abortion, deciding if you'll have an abortion, or navigating your personal abortion experience, take a look at the information below.


  • Nevada Abortion Information | nevadaabortioninformation.org
    • Comprehensive directory of resources specific to our state, along with clinic information.
  • National Network of Abortion Funds | abortionfunds.org
    • In addition to our abortion fund, the NNAF has a large directory of other abortion funds if you're seeking additional help. It can also be helpful to reach out to funds in other states you have a connection to or if you are outside of Nevada, as well as the National Abortion Federation.

Counseling & Support

  • Pregnancy Options Workbook
  • DIY Doula Zine | by The Doula Project
  • Exhale Pro-Voice | exhaleprovoice.org | 617-749-2948
    • Exhale Pro-Voice is a textline offering emotional support after your abortion, and the Exhale Pro-Voice website features stories of others and a space to submit your own abortion story - many people find writing helps them process their abortion experience.
  • All-Options | all-options.org | 1-888-493-0092
    • Hotline offering peer-based counseling and support. Talkline advocates are not licensed healthcare providers or mental health specialists, but are available to talk if you're coping with pregnancy, weighing out options, or need to talk to someone after you've had your abortion.
  • Ally Chatbot | 1-833-221-2559 | Click here to chat
    • A 24/7 automated chatbot that can offer information on medical abortion, recovery, contraception, and refer you to counseling hotlines.


Nevada WIC Program: If you are currently pregnant, or are within 6 months of the end of a pregnancy (whether that pregnancy ended in a birth, abortion or miscarriage), you may be eligible for nutritional support through WIC. Their program provides assistance for nutritious foods, and you can continue to use the program after 6 months after pregnancy if you are otherwise eligible (ex. if you have children under 5 years old).